Sometimes I miss being pregnant.
You might think my next sentence might be something about how I don't miss the indigestion or my CrAZy swollen ankles or the other very uncomfortable discomforts of pregnancy.
But . . .
. . . I sort of do miss those things because it meant that Ella was there.
About a week before our babies came, my friend asked if she could take some pictures of my kids. Photography is one of her hobbies and I was happy to help her practice. =)
She told me she usually likes to do maternity photos around 37 weeks, but she said since we were all there we could take some anyway. If you've been reading my blog you already know that I didn't make it to 37 weeks.
I've never done maternity photos before, but I am so.glad.we.did.
I love seeing how happy I looked that day.
Here are some of my favorites:
Here are some of my other favorite photos she took that day:
I SUPER love the red barn in the background and of course I lubby those girls in the picture. =)
(What else can I say?)
Pure joy!
How could I not post Abby's beautiful face? So beautiful!
I love what the wind is doing to Eliza's hair.
And just so you can see how swollen my ankles actually were, I am very bravely including this one:
This isn't actually my ankles, I just stumbled across it when I was looking for the one with my ankles, but I just really like this one. (If you don't know my family, this is me with all my sisters and my poppy at Eliza's baptism in March. That's a pretty happy papa!)
I have some great photos with my mom and my sisters, too. But I'll have to get mom's permission before I post those. =) I've heard it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. I'll have to mull it over.
And for the grand finale. Drum roll please. . . . . . .

*Disclaimer, we don't usually put Sammy in SANDALS with socks for formal family photos!! Yikes! I don't think we remembered to bring his Sunday shoes with us. Oops! Also not sure what he is doing with his face, but he makes me laugh. =)